Daily Calendar for Sunday, November 2, 2025

Daylight Saving Time 2022 ends on Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 A.M. Remember to “fall back” by setting your clocks back one hour. (The exceptions are Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.) Credit for Daylight Saving Time belongs to Benjamin Franklin, who first suggested the idea in 1784. The idea was revived in 1907, when William Willett, an Englishman, proposed a similar system in the pamphlet The Waste of Daylight. The Germans were the first to officially adopt the light-extending system in 1915 as a fuel-saving measure during World War I. The British switched one year later, and the United States followed in 1918, when Congress passed the Standard Time Act, which established our time zones. This experiment lasted only until 1920, when the law was repealed due to opposition from dairy farmers (cows don’t pay attention to clocks). During World War II, Daylight Saving Time was imposed once again (this time year-round) to save fuel. Since then, Daylight Saving Time has been used on and off, with different start and end dates. Learn more about Daylight Saving Time and when the clocks change.

All Souls’ Day, which falls on November 2, is a holy day set aside for honoring the dead and for Roman Catholics and Anglo-Catholic churches to commemorate the faithfully departed. Specifically, this day is often reserved to pray for souls still in Purgatory before entering heaven. Common customs include visiting and decorating tombstones, lighting candles, and the offering of Requiem Mass for the dead.

In some cultures, it was believed that the souls of ancestors would return to their family home on All Souls’ Night and great care was taken to make sure they felt welcome.

Question of the Day

When and why did the word southpaw originate?

The word was coined in the late 19th century by Finley Peter Dunne, a Chicago sportswriter. At that time, in Chicago a batter faced east, which meant that a left-handed pitcher faced west and released the ball on the south side of his body. The “paw” referred to his hand.

Advice of the Day

If the beech acorn is wet today, expect a wet winter.

Home Hint of the Day

Use petroleum jelly to remove ballpoint ink from leather. Either rub it directly on the spot or put a gob of it on and leave it for several days, then wipe it off.

Word of the Day

The interval of time following sunset and preceding sunrise, during which the sky is partially illuminated. The three ranges of twilight are: civil (from sunset/sunrise to when the Sun is 6° below the horizon) nautical (greater than 6° and ending at 12°) astronomical (greater than 12° and ending at 18°—full darkness).

Puzzle of the Day

What is it that occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and once in a million years?
The letter M


  • Daniel Boone (frontiersman)
  • Marie Antoinette (Queen of France)
  • James Polk (11th U.S. president)
  • Warren G. Harding (29th U.S. president)
  • Aga Khan III (religious leader)
  • Harlow Shapley (astronomer)
  • Odysseus Elytis (poet)
  • Burt Lancaster (actor)
  • Keith Emerson (musician)
  • Willie Dean McGee (baseball player)
  • k.d. lang (singer)
  • Orlando Cabrera (baseball player)


  • George Bernard Shaw (playwright)
  • Bob Trow (actor, best known for his portrayal of gibberish-talking Robert Troll and Bob Dog on Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood)


  • North and South Dakota admitted to the Union as the 39th and 40th states
  • Balfour Declaration states the British objective of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine
  • Radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcast the first commercial news, featuring the returns of the Harding-Cox presidential election
  • The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was established
  • Howard Hughes’ Hercules (aka Spruce Goose) plane flew one mile. Its wingspan was 320 feet
  • Game show contestant Charles Van Doren admitted to a House Sub-Committee that he had been given questions and answers in advance when he appeared on the quiz show Twenty-One
  • President George W. Bush won re-election over Democratic challenger Senator John Kerry
  • Record-breaking pinata measured 60 feet long and 23 feet 10.5 inches wide
  • Nik Wallenda set two world records with two high-wire walks between Chicago skyscrapers without safety equipment. The first walk was 454 feet long, at a 19 degree incline, starting at 588 feet high and ending at 671 feet high. The second walk, done blindfold, was 94 feet long and 543 feet high.
  • The Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908


  • A storm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, blocked Benjamin Franklin’s view of a lunar eclipse
  • Snowstorms commenced in the southern Rockies, bringing 31 inches of heavy, wet snow to Denver and 36 inches to New Mexico’s mountains
  • Hurley, Wisconsin, had 40 inches of snow

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