Daily Calendar for Thursday, November 27, 2025

In a 1789 proclamation, President George Washington called on the people of the United States to acknowledge God for affording them β€œan opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness” by observing a day of thanksgiving. Devoting a day to β€œpublic thanksgiving and prayer,” as Washington called it, became a yearly tradition in many communities.

Thanksgiving became a national holiday in 1863. In that year, during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln made his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. He asked his fellow citizens to β€œto set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise …”

It was not until 1941 that Congress designated the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day, thus creating a federal holiday.

However official, the idea of a special day for giving thanks was not born of presidential proclamations. Native American harvest festivals had been celebrated for centuries, and colonial services dated back to the late 16th century. Thanksgiving Day, as we know it today, began in the early 1600s when settlers in both Massachusetts and Virginia came together to give thanks for their survival, for the fertility of their fields, and for their faith. The most widely known early Thanksgiving is that of the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts, who feasted for 3 days with the Wampanoag people in 1621.

Turkey has become the traditional Thanksgiving fare because at one time it was a rare treat. During the 1830s, an eight- to ten-pound bird cost a day’s wages. Even though turkeys are affordable today, they still remain a celebratory symbol of bounty. In fact, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin ate roast turkey in foil packets for their first meal on the Moon.

Find more about Thanksgiving Day from history to recipes.

Question of the Day

How did the custom of the handshake originate?
This custom started in medieval times. The world was an unsavory place back then, and people often concealed weapons in their hands. The handshake was a way of affirming that neither you nor the person you were greeting was carrying anything intended to harm. Over time, it evolved into a polite greeting.

Advice of the Day

To avoid dying, if you hear a dog howl at night, reach under the bed and turn over a shoe.

Home Hint of the Day

To catch fleas, place a shallow pan filled with water and a little dishwashing liquid in the room that’s infested. At night leave just one lamp on and focus it right over the pan. The fleas will jump at the light and fall into the dish. Continue the treatment for 2 weeks.

Word of the Day

A rude, rustic fellow.

Puzzle of the Day

What is that which is so easily broken that the mere mention of it breaks it?


  • Anders Celsius (astronomer) –
  • James Agee (writer) –
  • Buffalo Bob Smith (entertainer, Howdy Doody host) –
  • Bruce Lee (martial artist & actor) –
  • Jimi Hendrix (musician) –
  • Caroline Bouvier Kennedy (daughter of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy) –
  • Fisher Stevens (actor) –
  • Michael Vartan (actor) –


  • Alexandre Dumas fils (author) –
  • Baby Face Nelson (gangster) –
  • Eugene O'Neil (playwright) –
  • Lotte Lenya (actress) –


  • Shakespeare got a license to marry Anne Hathaway –
  • The American Statistical Association founded in Boston –
  • Spectacular Andromedid meteor storm, 13,000 per hour –
  • Penn. Station opened in New York City –
  • C.A.R.E. founded –
  • Basketball player Wilt Chamberlain scored 18 baskets in a row –
  • In San Francisco, city mayor George Moscone and city supervisor Harvey Milk were assassinated by former supervisor Dan White –
  • Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 2.0 was released, starting the first browser war (with Netscape’s Navigator) –


  • The Portland Storm brought 27 inches of snow to New London, Connecticut –
  • 0.5” snow began falling in northern Florida –
  • Tallahassee, Florida, experienced freezing temperatures, with a low of 20 degrees F –
  • A blizzard with lightning struck parts of South Dakota –

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