Growing Pothos: Watering, Light, Propagation, and Pests
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Do deers like to eat pothos plant? I have grown these plants in 2 pots on my kitchen window but they are growing well and I was thinking of moving them to my patio ( I live on first floor apartment). But I have deers in my complex which has prevented me of growing flowers outside. Please reply if deers fancy eating pothos plants. Thanks.
Deer do indeed munch on pothos if given the opportunity. In the situation you are describing, I don’t think there is any obvious way to protect your plants from hungry deer, short of creating a wall or high fence around the patio.
My mom had one of these plants for over 30 years. She neglected it often, but it just kept going. Then it died not long after she did.
my mom kept these in her home for years, She never repotted or wouldn't give them attention they needed. They were all grown long and very few leaves. I took them home after she passed and did plant them outside and the leaves and plant took off like huge leaves very nice looking but jungle like size leaves. I did keep some small and till this day 10 years later I still have lots of the them. putting them in larger pots and trimming them keeps them tamed and a lot more manageable or you will find they grow out of control if left alone .
As mentioned in the article, pothos have a weird tendency to be like the gremlins in the old movie. Remember, they were usually very cute, but would get mean and ugly if you fed them after midnight? I live in southern Florida, so pothos do quite well outside. I had one that had been in a hanging basket on my lanai for years. The leaves remained small at about 3 inches long and the runners were about 1/8-inch in diameter. One day about five or six years ago, I decided to plant it near a tree in the backyard. It has now climbed all of the way to the top of the 25-foot tree and has leaves that are about a foot wide and 2 feet long. Some of the runners are at least 1-1/2 inches in diameter.
I own a tree service in North Carolina and we see that all the time especially with wisteria. I'm sure it's a beautiful thing to see and I have a lot of customers who love the ivy on their trees but as this article stated these ivy plants can be extremely invasive and that 25 ft tree you're talking about, hopefully it's not too close to your house or within a distance that if it fell it would reach your house. When ivy of any kind grows around a tree, it's like a python wrapping around its victim. The IV completely surrounds the outside of the tree and will attach into the bark and grow into the heart of the tree and it starts to suck the nutrients out of it like a leech and after a while it will actually drain the tree of all of its nutrients and then completely suffocated from getting any sunlight. We always recommend removing ivy off of a tree because over time it will kill that tree. Just some advice in case it's a tree that's close to you and you don't want it to die and fall in your house, I highly recommend removing the ivy off of it and moving it to something else that it can climb without being detrimental to it. You can get some lattice and attach it to your house and let it grow on it. My grandfather did that and then as it grew he kept it trimmed and made it look like a heart and ended up doing two hearts intertwined and it looked amazing.
I love your story (& the reference to gremlins 😂) I would love to be able to do that with one of my Pothos- Im sure its amazing to see! Thank you for sharing!!
Another pest of which to be aware on pothos is the fungus gnat. They also like spider plants.