A Lady Baltimore Pink Hibiscus.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Hibiscus
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Try a grow lights for awhile I also play classical music by my plants it a vibrational feed for the plant sort of like us with exercise .the plants I have by other plants seem to grow better but the alo vera lies to be on its own…..also I’m learning that soil is so important…happy planting
Hi, Linda,
Do they get more than 6 hours of sun per day? Lots of sun will encourage flowering.
Also, in general, a fertilizer that is too high in nitrogen can encourage leaves and shoots but discourage flowering. However, even a balanced fertilizer might not be the best when it comes to hibiscus. Even though phosphorus usually encourages flowering in plants, hibiscus can be sensitive to it, so some recommend that one choose a fertilizer that has medium to medium-high nitrogen (N), low phosphorus (P) and high potassium (K).
Hibiscus also loves organic matter and lots of water in well-draining soil. Make sure the soil pH is slightly acidic.
Hope this helps!
Small black bug on the flowers before they open and after. How do get rid of them. I’m hoping with the same as aphid solution.
Thank you
One hibiscus plant has curling leaves! Other’s have blooms not opening and falling off. I do not see any insects
I have 3 mature hibiscus plants. The blooms on one seem to be shriveling. The other two are fine. Any ideas? I don't see any pests on it.
Well, I thought I bought Rose of Sharon with the huge trumpet flowers, but it was hibiscus with smaller flowers and it's already at least 8 feet tall with no blooms and falling over into the entire flower bed and on the lawn. It was planted 2 years ago and did fine last year. I have no idea what to do besides dig it up. I'm in Oregon if that helps.
Tammie—Thanks for writing. Please check our guide for how to care for hibiscus. If you keep the plant, to promote blossoms next year, remove spent flowers before they form seed heads or prune plants back by a third after a flush of bloom is finished. Your perennial hibiscus will freeze back to the ground this winter and you can cut the old stems to the ground. Hibiscus bloom on new wood (not old) so any pruning or moving is best done in the spring. Best of luck!
Late last fall I dug up my Rose Mallow Hibiscus because we were putting our house on the market and I wanted to keep it. It spend the winter in a pot in the garage and we replanted it in the spring. It is growing like crazy and is 3' tall in places. Should I trim it back or just let it grow?
It completely depends on what your space allows for. We love a big Hibiscus, but if you are limited in space, it may make sense to prune.
What causes leaves to yellow.