any recipes using graham cracker pie shells
Hi, Mike. We have a few to choose from: pumpkin cheesecake pie, strawberry cheesecake, strawberry cream pie, and peanut butter cup pie. Enjoy!
any recipes using Gramm cracker pie shells
Are the results the same if you cut the recipe in half?
Hi, C. It should not be a problem to make only one pie instead of two. But after you try it you might wish you had made two! Enjoy!
I’ve bought an almanac for the last 50+ years! I use it often ! Thanks !
Can this cake be frozen?
Yes, this cake can be frozen. Good idea!
I used to work at a bakery in a farmer's market in Pennsylvania and they had funny cakes and they were absolutely delicious. I distinctly remember the owner of the stand telling me about how the funny cake was made by doing the pie crust and then making the cake and then you pour the chocolate topping thing over the cake and it sinks down. However every single recipe I have found online says put the chocolate in and then put the cake in and I've always been very hesitant about those recipes because that's not what I was told when I was working at a pastry stand. I am so so grateful to have found this recipe that stays true to what I was told is done to make a funny cake. I am so so so excited to try this out because I can't express how much I miss funny cake used to eat it at least once a week and now I don't have access so now I got to learn how and this recipe seems like a great one so thank you so much.
To those saying it is incomplete....it is NOT....the chocolate you pour on top of the cake batter sinks down to the bottom as it bakes. THAT is WHY it is called a FUNNY cake....it's funny that it does that....other than sometimes a little brown marks the top, there is no evidence of the chocolate throughout the cake part. You would think YOU assemble it on the bottom but no! It's ''FUNNY" = peculiar!