Planting, Growing, and Caring for Geraniums
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I brought my 2 geraniums in last winter, 1st time, they bloomed quite a bit throughout the winter, its almost June now and they have been outside for about 2 1/2 weeks, do not look like they will bloom anytime soon, they are getting a lot of sunlight. Should I cut them back or leave them alone?
Pruning by one-half to two-thirds is advised in early spring—say, March, but you could prune about half now, and any brown foliage or stems, as well as any leggy stems.
My geranium buds are "fuzzy" and appear to be drying out. What is causing that?
This sounds like Gray Mold, Botrytis cinerea, which can develop on rotted tissue when the weather is humid as well as when it’s cool and wet. When warm, dry weather returns the plants should recover. Make sure they are spaced properly for good air flow.
Hi! Since geraniums like sandy soil and prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, I am wondering whether I can plant them in our new home in central Florida - it is on the Atlantic coast, so the soil will be quite sandy....any advice?
To have the best success, grow them in containers in proper soil. Why risk disappointment?
I have had great success at overwintering geraniums in my Southern window in Michigan,
I have two large, beautiful geraniums, for 38 years, now, that I put outside in Summer and bring in for Fall/Winter Seasons. I just make sure they don't bring in little bugs with them. I spray with insecticidal soap beforehand and deadhead and check the soil.
It's almost become a joke. A friend has given me cuts off her beautiful healthy geraniums. She kept it this time until it had roots growing so I kept in indirect sunlight and waited for the roots to get a little bigger. The root under water and the cut under water started to get a kind of cloudy fuss on it. So I rinsed it and the next day I planted it in soaked soil Since then all it does is droop and look like it is dying. I do not kill all plants but for some reason these cuts that this lady has given me keep dying. I can't ask for anymore, like I said it'd become a joke and she told me not to kill this one. (She was just playing but now I'm embarrassed) help me. Can I save this or should I just go buy one? :(
I'm so sad. I've been practically taking my geraniums to bed with me at yo help them thru the winter here in Montana. They were doing great. About 3 weeks ago I noticed the leaves looked droopy; checked the soil and it was dry so watered them but didn't soak them at all. They perked up for a couple days but now the leaves have turned yellow and are dropping off. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
We understand your disappointment. They do need a period of dormancy. Did you prune them at all? If not, you may be trying to keep full-size plants going and they just want to be left (almost) alone for a while. If you didn’t prune, do so now, leaving a few leaves but removing any new growth. Water when dry but not to soak. Give them indirect light. Then, when the days get warmer, return to fulltime regular care. Hope this helps!