My favourite gardening hack was discovered when someone from a neighbouring business tossed a heap of busted (broken, split or missing tips) pool cues out behind our garbage enclosure at work, I use them to hold up tomato cages when my tomato plants go feral, I strung some chicken wire between two of them and use that as my cuke/zucch fence, and I have two that overwinter in the garden to mark the asparagus patch so it doesn't get accidentally rototilled in the spring. I also use them as required for garden stakes. I've been using this same dozen or so cues for the last three years and though they sometimes lose a few inches due to rotting and breakage, I figure I'll still get a few more years out of them. Unfortunately, the owner of the establishment most likely to have tossed them has become aware of how useful they are in the garden so I haven't been able to get any more from there, but I'll be asking around some of the other pool halls in town when the ones I have get too short!
My favourite gardening hack was discovered when someone from a neighbouring business tossed a heap of busted (broken, split or missing tips) pool cues out behind our garbage enclosure at work, I use them to hold up tomato cages when my tomato plants go feral, I strung some chicken wire between two of them and use that as my cuke/zucch fence, and I have two that overwinter in the garden to mark the asparagus patch so it doesn't get accidentally rototilled in the spring. I also use them as required for garden stakes. I've been using this same dozen or so cues for the last three years and though they sometimes lose a few inches due to rotting and breakage, I figure I'll still get a few more years out of them. Unfortunately, the owner of the establishment most likely to have tossed them has become aware of how useful they are in the garden so I haven't been able to get any more from there, but I'll be asking around some of the other pool halls in town when the ones I have get too short!