Blessed Samhain to all my brothers and sisters in the northern hemisphere, and a Blessed Beltaine to all of my brothers and sisters in the southern hemisphere.
Samhain is my favourite Sabbat. I celebrate it by, after arranging 'protection', by 'communicating' with those that have departed from the land of the living. I find this rewarding but very tiring as it seems that so many of the departed wish to 'get across' a message to those on this side of the veil. (Last year (2018) it took me more than a week to 'recover' as I felt so drained by all that was going on.)
Blessed Samhain to all my brothers and sisters in the northern hemisphere, and a Blessed Beltaine to all of my brothers and sisters in the southern hemisphere.
Samhain is my favourite Sabbat. I celebrate it by, after arranging 'protection', by 'communicating' with those that have departed from the land of the living. I find this rewarding but very tiring as it seems that so many of the departed wish to 'get across' a message to those on this side of the veil. (Last year (2018) it took me more than a week to 'recover' as I felt so drained by all that was going on.)