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Tom Chase (not verified)

1 year 5 months ago

One of the PBS cooking shows, believe Milk Street says to add Baking Soda to boiling water to make home fries. Cube the potato in 1/2" cubes or less, put into the boiling water. Stir and allow the water return to a boil. Immediately removed and cool the potatoes right off to stop the cooking. Potatoes will be sorta raw inside. Put into a storage bag or dish and cool over night. Next day heat a non-stick skillet and dump potatoes in to cover the bottom. I cook mine on med-high and stir a few times to turn them over. After about 10-15 mins test the coating for crispness. Cook longer if want more crispness. Then I add a dab of butter and chopped onion (if wanted). Bacon fat also is good in place of butter for a diff taste. Serve with anything, eggs pancakes etc. I dice up a large batch of potatoes, keep them refrig and cook them up whenever.

Apparently the Baking Soda combines with the potato starch, so the starchier the potato, perhaps the crisper the coating.
I tried to mimic a restaurant method of cooking them, this has been my best result, test to your heart's desire.

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