How to Cool Your Body Down


What Can You Do to Stay Cool in Hot Weather?

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As temperatures spike, how can you beat the heat? Here are over 20 great ideas—from your editors and readers—for keeping your body cool during the hot summer months. Add your own tip!

Don’t Sweat It… Or Do!

Actually, we should sweat in the heat. Sweating is part of the complex system our bodies have evolved to dissipate heat. Sweat cools the body as it evaporates from the skin. I’ve never lived or worked in an air-conditioned space. Of course, here in New Hampshire, most of us can get along with fans, cold drinks, and outdoor swimming. 

But this record-breaking heat and high humidity have made the generally dreaded weekly shopping trip to the air-conditioned supermarket almost pleasurable.

Even folks who generally live and work in air-conditioned surroundings sometimes experience power outages, rolling blackouts, or brownouts that knock out cooling systems during the hottest days of summer.

Below are tips for staying cool(er) if you don’t have air conditioning:

Immediate Relief from the Heat

The House

  1. The ideal daytime temperature of your home is 72 degrees; this is a good balance between comfort and energy efficiency; the ideal nighttime temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees. If you are away from your home, set your temperature higher to save energy and avoid breaking your AC units. Service your system annually and change your filter every two to three months.
  2. Exterior shutters and blinds keep the heat out. Interior blinds can also reflect heat. One idea is to open the windows and doors at night to flush out hot weather, then close them during the daytime. Open (screened) windows at night also allow cross-ventilation throughout the house with cooler nighttime temperatures.
  3. Close shades and curtains during the day to prevent the inside of the house and its furnishings from absorbing solar heat. An additional option is a stick-on solar film, which deflects infrared heat (and can be bought at home-improvement stores).
  4. Turn off everything with a motor (clothes dryer, hair dryer, iron, stove, etc.), which generates heat. In fact, turn the lights off, too. Having too many lights on near each other also heats the air. 
  5. Use a fan! We’re not talking about A/C. Our bodies keep cool through the evaporation of perspiration, so fans add air movement to keep you more comfortable. Get the air moving with a fan or two or three. Create a path for the air through open windows. Then, simply sit before a fan (invest in a battery-powered or solar-powered fan for power outages). When you leave the room, however, turn the fan off as the motor adds heat to the room. If you have a ceiling fan, they should run counterclockwise to push air downward. 
  6. Keep a spray bottle of cool water handy to mist your face and neck occasionally. Get a spray bottle or mister for your pets, too!
  7. For an even greater cooling effect from a fan, fill a metal bowl or oven-roasting pan with chunks of ice cubes and put it between you and the fan. (Note: Fans can’t keep you from overheating during true heat emergencies. Please consult the CDC guide to extreme heat.)


  1. Drink plenty of fluids to stay well-hydrated. Sweating is your body’s air conditioner. Get a bottle of water and keep sipping all day. 
  2. Eat smaller meals and eat more often in hot weather to reduce the heat produced by metabolic activity within your body.
  3. Don’t use the oven. Indulge in cool, main-dish salads, or see our no-cook recipes
  4. Avoid alcohol on hot days. 
  5. Cut back on caffeine, which raises your body temperature. Can you switch to half-decaf or forgo coffee altogether? Remember that sodas, sports drinks, and many nonprescription drugs have caffeine.
  6. Indulge in spicy food. If you can handle it, dressing up your summer meals with jalapeños, curries, and wasabi will induce sweating, particularly on your face and neck, and you’ll feel cooler.
  7. Treat yourself to ice cream and ice pops!


  1. Wear light-colored, lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Athletic under- and outerwear designed to wick sweat away from the body will help you feel more comfortable in the heat.
  2. Put a couple of ice cubes in a bandana and tie it to your head under a wide-brimmed hat or around your neck.
  3. Soak towels, wringing out most of the water, and freeze them! Place a wet towel around your neck and/or down your back. Alternatively, soak your shirt in cold water, wring it out, and wear it.
  4. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses when you’re outside, especially in direct sun. And cover any exposed skin with sunscreen, as sunburn will truly heat your body up. Put on SPF 30 or higher about 30 minutes before you go outside. If you stay outdoors, you must reapply it throughout the day.


  1. If you can’t take a swim in a local pool or pond (or even if you can), sit in a tub of cool water. Soaking your feet in ice water helps, too.
  2. Run the undersides of your wrists under cold running water from the tap or a hose, wrap your wrists in body-conforming athletic cold wraps, freeze used tea bags and hold them against the insides of your wrists and at your temples, or simply use a wet, cold towel on those pulse points. 
  3. If you’re really hot, you could use an ice pack. Just be sure to cover your skin with a towel to protect it, and only do it for 20 minutes at a time.
  4. A bath or even simply sponging off with cold water will work, too. It should help cool your body. Even warm water (not hot) works because you cool down as the water evaporates. Don’t steam up your bathroom!


  1. Your bedsheets should be cotton or linen in hot weather, not a blend. Look for a “thread count” of 200 to 400. More than that means the fabric won’t breathe as well and trap heat.
  2. You could even “chill” your sheets to help you get to sleep by sticking them in the freezer or fridge. Use a resealable plastic bag so they don’t touch food, moisture, or ice. 
  3. Freeze a couple of old socks filled with rice or small beans and place them at the foot of your bed between the sheets to cool you to sleep. Or fill a hot water bottle with water and put it in the freezer. You could also freeze buckwheat packs.
  4. Change beds. You could even look for a cooler room that’s lower down in the house or that has more windows.
  5. Sleep alone. Two bodies generate more heat. You may miss your partner on a hot night, but you won’t be cranky in the morning!


  1. Do not exercise in hot weather.  If you must, take it very easy to get used to the hot weather over several days to two weeks. 
  2. Work out in the cooler hours of early evening or morning, or take it indoors.
  3. Drink a couple of cups of water a few hours before you head out for exercise. Bring a water bottle with you and drink about ten big gulps from your water bottle every 15 minutes or so.
  4. If you feel faint, lie down and raise your legs above your head. Try to get to a cool area and drink fluids immediately.

Staying Cool for the Long Term

  1. Try to drop excess body fat. Fat insulates your body and prevents heat escape.
  2. Get fit and stay fit year-round. Fit bodies adapt better to extremes of both heat and cold.
  3. Train for the heat! If you acclimate gradually to the heat by exercising outdoors when the weather begins heating up in spring, you’ll train your body to adapt better to the hotter spells to come, and you’ll feel more comfortable when they do. Start when the warm weather begins by exercising outdoors for 15 to 20 minutes at low intensity. Gradually increase the length and intensity of exercise as the weather gets hotter. No matter how fit you become, don’t exercise outside in extreme heat (above 90°).

Extreme heat can kill. Know the locations of emergency cooling centers nearby. Contact your state or local government for information. Elderly, disabled, and obese people, infants, and those with serious health conditions are at special risk for heat-related health emergencies. See 10 tips for extreme heat safety.

About The Author

Margaret Boyles

Margaret Boyles is a longtime contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. She wrote for UNH Cooperative Extension, managed NH Outside, and contributes to various media covering environmental and human health issues. Read More from Margaret Boyles

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