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Weather Forecast for Port Hope, ON
Current Weather Conditions
Temperature22°C | Feels Like22°C |
Humidity76% | Wind0 km/h |
Pressure0 kPa | Visibility0 km |
Conditions at Coburg |
Weather Forecast
25°C | Abundant sunshine. High around 25C. Winds light and variable. |
15°C | Mostly clear. Low around 15C. Winds light and variable. |
23°C | Sunshine. High 23C. Winds light and variable. |
Tomorrow night
16°C | A mostly clear sky. Low 16C. Winds light and variable. |
24°C | A few passing clouds, otherwise generally sunny. High 24C. Winds light and variable. |
Sunday night
15°C | A few clouds from time to time. Low around 15C. Winds light and variable. |
25°C | Sunny along with a few clouds. High near 25C. Winds light and variable. |
Monday night
16°C | A mostly clear sky. Low 16C. Winds light and variable. |
24°C | Sunshine and some clouds. High 24C. Winds light and variable. |
Tuesday night
16°C | Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low 16C. Winds light and variable. |