Using worms to turn your kitchen scraps into fertilizer.
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Avoid chemicals to kill weeds, use a flame weeder instead. The heat destroys the vascular system of the weed and within a day or two it will be completely shriveled and dead. The best part is no bending or digging required! Just be careful and keep a garden hose handy in case something accidentally catches fire. To flame weed close to a good plant just heat shield the good plant with a shovel. Bye bye roundup and all the other toxic chemicals.
This reminds me about the 3 containers by the composter that I still have to dump in! Anyway, I didn't realize I could sell my worms. They moved in from the ground early on and; I noticed an explosion of them in October. Now I have hundreds more... loads of little baby worms. Putting old compost into my garden; I was picking them out left and right to toss back in the bin, just in case my bed get's too dry while Waiting on my seedlings... Now I think I have to let the bed dry out! I'll move on to see if I can find a post about an organic way to remove weeds. In a turn of serious irony; my yard is full of weeds and, my garden box is full of grass. If only it were large weeds I could just pull up. It's just clumps of grass and roots. ::Sigh:: Maybe I should just grow sod.