Bird Sounds: The Call of The American Kestrel

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American kestrel (Falco sparverius) in flight, Ohio, USA, North America
Photo Credit
Tomas Drahos

American Kestrel Calls

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In the vast tapestry of the natural world, there are creatures that capture our hearts with their grand size and awe-inspiring power. Yet, nestled amongst these giants are smaller beings, equally remarkable in their own right. One such example is the American Kestrel, a tiny falcon with a spirit that rivals any predator ten times its size.

A Pocket-Sized Predator: The American Kestrel’s Appearance

Standing at a mere 9 inches tall, the American Kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America, often mistaken for a robin at first glance. However, its diminutive size belies a fierce predator.

Males boast a stunning plumage, with a slate-blue back contrasting with their rusty red wings. Their heads are adorned with a black “mustache” and a crown of chestnut feathers, adding to their charismatic appearance. Females, while lacking the vibrant colors of the males, still possess a striking beauty, sporting a barred brown back and a streaked chest.

The American Kestrel’s sharp beak and powerful talons are perfectly adapted for its hunting lifestyle. These features, coupled with its exceptional eyesight, make it a formidable hunter of insects, lizards, small rodents, and even the occasional snake.

A Master of the Skies: Witnessing the American Kestrel’s Hunting Prowess

The American Kestrel is a true master of aerial acrobatics. It often hovers in mid-air, a technique known as “kestrelling,” scanning the ground below for potential prey. This allows it to pinpoint its target with remarkable accuracy before diving down in a swift and silent attack.

Unlike other birds of prey that rely solely on soaring or gliding, the American Kestrel displays impressive agility. It can maneuver through dense vegetation and perform quick changes in direction, allowing it to chase its prey even in complex environments.

The American Kestrel plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems by controlling insect and rodent populations. This helps to protect crops and maintain a balanced food web.

A Tale of Two Homes: Understanding the American Kestrel’s Nesting Habits

The American Kestrel is an adaptable bird when it comes to finding a home. While it is traditionally nested in cavities created by woodpeckers in trees, it has readily adopted man-made structures like abandoned buildings and nest boxes.

The female Kestrel lays a clutch of 3-7 eggs, which she incubates for about a month. Both parents work together to feed and care for their young until they are fledged and ready to venture out on their own at around 30 days old.

However, the American Kestrel faces several challenges, including habitat loss, competition for nesting sites, and pesticide use. These factors can disrupt their breeding activities and contribute to population decline.

Beyond the Backyard: A Symbol of Resilience and Adaptation

The American Kestrel serves as a reminder of the remarkable resilience of the natural world. Its ability to adapt to changing environments and utilize human-made structures for nesting highlights its adaptability and tenacity.

By understanding and appreciating the American Kestrel, we can become better stewards of the environment. Supporting conservation efforts such as putting up nest boxes and promoting responsible land management practices can help ensure the survival of this fascinating and vital member of our ecosystem.

The next time you see a small falcon hovering in the sky, remember the American Kestrel – a miniature marvel with a mighty spirit, constantly adapting and thriving in a world filled with challenges.

Here, you can identify the sounds and bird songs of the American Kestrel. Compliments of The Macaulay Library at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Click here to listen to the sounds of other birds!

Have you heard an American Kestrel? Add your comments below. Be sure to let us know where you live or where you’ve heard this bird sound before!

About The Author

Tom Warren

Tom Warren is a lifelong bird enthusiast. Tom is also committed to protecting birds and their habitat as a Trustee for both Massachusetts and New Hampshire Audubon, and the Harris Nature Center. Read More from Tom Warren

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