Black beans in brownies? So simple, but so delicious!

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Black beans? In brownies? You’ve got to be kidding.

Our editor told us about a friend who claimed that you can take a box of brownie mix, add nothing but a can of black beans and—voilà!—delicious, fudgy brownies. So I tried it.

It wasn’t exactly that simple, but pretty close. The beans (a 15-oz. can) have to be drained and rinsed. Then you put them back in the can and add enough water to fill it back up. Pour the contents into a blender and process until smooth. Mix the puréed beans into the dry brownie mix (a 19.5-oz. box) and pour into a greased baking dish. (I added walnuts to my batter.) Bake according to package directions.

The resulting brownies were quite tasty. No one could believe (or detect) that they were made with black beans. I will definitely make these again.


About The Author

Sarah Perreault

Managing editor, Sarah Perreault, works on all things Almanac, but is especially proud to be the editor of our Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids series. Read More from Sarah Perreault

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