
Daily Calendar for Thursday, April 1, 2021


  • Edwin Austin Abbey (illustrator) –
  • Sergei Rachmaninoff (Russian composer ) –
  • Gordon Jump (actor) –
  • Debbie Reynolds (actress) –
  • Randy Orton (professional wrestler) –
  • Courtney McCool (gymnast) –


  • Scott Joplin (ragtime musician & composer) –
  • Marvin Gaye (singer) –
  • Martha Graham (dancer & choreographer) –
  • John Forsythe (actor) –
  • Misao Okawa (Japanese woman who was recognized as the world’s oldest person at the time. She was born on March 5, 1898, and died at age 117.) –
  • Dan Robbins (artist who created paint-by-numbers pictures) –


  • In Ohio, the Cincinnati Fire Department became the first full-time, salaried fire department in the U.S.–
  • The U.S. invasion of Okinawa began (WW II)–
  • The United States Air Force Academy is established–
  • The satellite Tiros I was launched from Cape Canaveral and eventually transmitted thousands of photographs showing the distribution of Earth’s cloud formations–
  • Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple Computer, Inc.–
  • Nunavut territory created–
  • The Netherlands legalized euthanasia–
  • French acrobat Willy Martignon broke the world record for longest-distance somersaulting slam dunk–


  • April Fool’s Day Blizzard in the Dakotas, heavy drifting snow–
  • Houston, Texas, got its first natural waterspout as an April Fools Day joke from Mother Nature, when a high-velocity tornado hit the downtown area and broke into the water table.–
  • April Fool’s cold, -34 degrees F in Bergland, Michigan, and 16 degrees F in Georgia–
  • 27 degrees F, Atlanta, Georgia–
  • Blizzard left 37 inches of snow in East Jewett, New York–

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