Daily Calendar for Monday, April 29, 2024
Question of the Day
I’ve heard that if you cut your hair on a full Moon, your hair grows healthier and faster. Is this true?
According to folklore, if hair is cut during the Moon’s waxing phase (between new and full), growth is encouraged. The opposite will occur if hair is cut during the waning phase (the day after the Moon is full to the day before it’s new).
Advice of the Day
Dream of kisses, and you dream of treachery.
Home Hint of the Day
A board foot is a unit of measure corresponding to a block of wood 12-inch long x 12-inch wide x 1-inch thick.
Word of the Day
An earthen jar charged with powder, grenades, and other materials of an offensive and suffocating smell, — sometimes used in boarding an enemy’s vessel.
Puzzle of the Day
You throw away the outside. You cook the inside. You eat the outside. You throw away the inside. What am I?
Corn on the cob.
- William Hearst (editor/publisher) β
- Duke Ellington (musician) β
- Hirohito (emperor of Japan) β
- Fred Zinnemann (director of film) β
- Willie Nelson (country singer) β
- Dale Earnhardt (race car driver) β
- Jerry Seinfeld (comedian & actor) β
- Daniel Day-Lewis (actor) β
- Eve Plumb (actress) β
- Carnie Wilson (singer) β
- Uma Thurman (actress) β
- Andre Agassi (tennis player) β
- Alfred Hitchcock (filmmaker) β
- William J. Bell (writer and producer) β
- Bob Hoskins (actor) β
- Jacob Hummel received patent for varnish of elastic gumβ
- Theta Xi, first professional fraternity, founded, Troy, New Yorkβ
- A landslide in Frank, Alberta, killed at least 70 peopleβ
- U.S. president Hoover received King and Queen of Siamβ
- Prisoners liberated at Dachauβ
- ABCβs Wide World of Sports premieredβ
- Proposed Newfoundland flag design was revealedβ
- The first condor to be conceived in captivity hatched at the San Diego Wild Animal Park helping to bring the species back from the brink of extinctionβ
- The World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., opened to the publicβ
- A perfect pink ring around the Sun was visible for several hours from Key Largo to Key West, Florida. It’s known as the rare halo phenomenon, a refraction of light through multiple layers of ice-crystal clouds in the upper levels of the atmosphere. A halo usually indicates that rain is on the way.β
- Prince William married Catherine Middletonβ
- Mikah Meyer completed a 3-year journey to visit all 419 U.S. National Park Service sitesβ
- 2.4 inches of rain fell within 15 minutes in Taylor, Texasβ
- Weather device TOTO hit by weak tornadoβ
- A storm produced a flash of lightning that stretched a horizontal distance of 477.2 miles across Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The event set a world record for the longest single lightning bolt. β