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Good neighbour (not verified)

3 years 12 months ago

Absolutely agree that gardening provides many benefits (although, after a few hours
of planting trees in clay soil, clearing rocks, raking a hectare of leaves, turning multiple compost bins, etc., I sometimes feel gardening does not so much extend one's life but, rather, it makes one feel a great deal older! ;)

Also, to any would be green thumbs hoping to grow (and especially harvest!) ANY PLANTS ANYWHERE you live, I would HIGHLY recommend familiarizing yourself with the resident wildlife, and saving/investing in adequate fencing to protect your efforts from same, BEFORE opening an all they can (and WILL) eat buffet! "Frustration" does not begin to cover the heartache and expense you'll suffer otherwise! Proper planning and sound implementation will ensure you can garden in peace, and the deer, woodchucks, rabbits, birds, etc., can continue to live nearby (on SOMEONE ELSE'S favourite plants, rather than yours!) BEST time and $ you will ever spend on your garden, and absolutely best considered before planting anything!

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