Rabbits do not like the smell of coffee. I have found that just a couple of cups of used coffee grounds in my vegetable garden keeps the rabbits away. I put them in a used plant container and anchor with a short bamboo stake. In years past, the rabbits ate my spinach, beets, kale and sweet potato vines. This year, after adding the used coffee grounds, they have left all of my vegetables alone. I see them in the neighborhood eating grass and other plants, but not my vegetables! I get the used coffee grounds from Starbucks for FREE and also add to my compost bins.
Rabbits do not like the smell of coffee. I have found that just a couple of cups of used coffee grounds in my vegetable garden keeps the rabbits away. I put them in a used plant container and anchor with a short bamboo stake. In years past, the rabbits ate my spinach, beets, kale and sweet potato vines. This year, after adding the used coffee grounds, they have left all of my vegetables alone. I see them in the neighborhood eating grass and other plants, but not my vegetables! I get the used coffee grounds from Starbucks for FREE and also add to my compost bins.