Since winter squashes are really pumpkins, yes, you can season them just as you would a pumpkin pie, no difference. There's no botanical or scientific difference between squashes and pumpkins, just the names we call them. In the Caribbean islands, what we in the U.S. call winter squash is called "punkin", and is used in many more ways than we traditionally prepare them here. So just treat them as pumpkins; you won't go wrong!
Since winter squashes are really pumpkins, yes, you can season them just as you would a pumpkin pie, no difference. There's no botanical or scientific difference between squashes and pumpkins, just the names we call them. In the Caribbean islands, what we in the U.S. call winter squash is called "punkin", and is used in many more ways than we traditionally prepare them here. So just treat them as pumpkins; you won't go wrong!