Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Goose Creek, SC | Almanac.com

Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Goose Creek, SC

Add bright color to the landscape with perennials, including zinnia, salvia, and blue sage.
Plant palms during these warm, wet months. Make sure that the trunk is not covered with soil or fertilizer.
Harvest your vegetables as soon as they are ripe for freshest taste, to prolong production, and to avoid pest issues. Beans, peas, squash, cucumbers, and okra are often ready.
Lightly prune summer flowering shrubs, such as oleander, hibiscus, and crape myrtle.
Harvest Irish potatoes when two-thirds of the tops have died down. Store in a cool, dark place.
For healthy grass, avoid weed and feed products. Only apply herbicides to areas with weed infestations.
Store onions in a dry, airy place.
If you have areas where grass simply doesn’t grow well, consider a ground cover.
Start preserving your extra bounty or give to the poor. See Almanac.com for canning and preserving tips.
Mow your lawn at recommended heights (St. Augustine and Bahia: 3 to 4 inches; Centipede: 1.5 to 2 inches; Dwarf St. Augustine: 2.5 inches).
You can still plant okra, southern peas, lima beans, and sweet potatoes.
Plant heat-loving herbs, including basil, rosemary, and Mexican tarragon.
Pinch your annual and perennial herbs to promote bushier growth.
Carefully monitor and control for harmful insects. See Almanac.com/Gardening for our Pest pages.
Remove any dead/finished vegetable plants from your garden; plant new crops in their place.
This is normally a rainy season, but ensure that your garden receives 1 inch of rain per week.
Plant annuals that can take the full sun during hot summer months, including celosia, portulaca, vinca, and some coleus.
Remove any dead or old flowers from your plants to encourage new growth.
Do not remove the foliage of spring bulbs until it has yellowed and dried.
Stake any tall plants to help prevent any damage.
Gardening Climate Regions