Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Wichita Falls, TX | Almanac.com

Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Wichita Falls, TX

June is the driest month. However, do NOT overwater. Water slowly, deeply (5 or 6 inches deep), and let the soil dry between watering.
Stick to your mowing schedule. Lawns will grow faster with the warmer weather, so try to mow every 5 to 6 days.
Apply a 3 to 4 inch layer of mulch around the roots of your plants. The mulch will help retain moisture during the dry summer months.
Finish seeding Bermuda and warm-season grasses by the end of June.
Native and imported heat-tolerant plants can be planted during summer months as long as they are watered regularly until fall.
Plant colorful summer annuals, such as cosmos, marigolds, salvia, or petunias.
Pinch back established mums and plant mums now for fall bloom.
Cut back on fertilizing roses during the hot temperature. Water deeply. Hose off roses in early morning to increase humidity.
Remove faded or dead flowers from your plants to encourage new growth.
Remove any unwanted or vigorous branches from trees.
June is not a good planting month for most edibles. You can plant melons, sunflowers, and sweet potato transplants. Be sure to water your transplants both before and after you plant them.
Some common problems to look for in gardens are gray leaf spot, blossom end rot, spider mites, and lace bugs.
Gardening Climate Regions