Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Laurel, VA

Plant asparagus.
Replenish mulch on strawberries.
Temperatures can drop to freezing this month; annuals that can take the chill include pansies, viola, and dianthus.
Start your indoor seed boxes of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cauliflower indoors.
Clean your annual and perennial flower beds. Add compost to the soil and add more mulch to the beds.
Prune roses to remove damaged canes. Then fertilize and apply mulch for protection.
Bulbs can still be planted. Water well and apply mulch for protection. Try dahlias!
Divide and transplant perennial herbs.
Continue to deadhead flowers, such as pansies.
Seed herbs for April planting.
Put down mulch across all garden beds to control for weeds.
You can fertilize your houseplants with a water-soluble fertilizer when they show new growth.
Divide and replant crowded perennials after they emerge.
After temperatures rise to 65 degrees F for 4 to 5 days, apply a pre-emergent weed killer to prevent warm-season weeds.
Fertilize spring-blooming bulbs.
Regularly mow your lawn at recommended heights (St. Augustine and Bahia: 3 to 4 inches; Centipede: 1.5 to 2 inches; Dwarf St. Augustine: 2.5 inches).
Finish planting shrubs and trees. Fertilize.
If not done in January, fertilize established fruit trees now.
Prune dormant trees. Avoid pruning citrus until the spring.
Prune shrubs now; wait to prune spring-flowering shrubs until after they bloom.
Fertilize established fruit trees. Continue planting dormant fruit trees.
Plant more vegetables, such as lettuce, cabbage, collards, onion sets, brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, spinach, kale, mustard greens, radishes, turnips, peas, and beets.
Plant Irish potatoes now! Plant 3 inches deep.
Gardening Climate Regions