This may sound crazy, but I planted strawberry seeds, and they grew, now for the first year I prevented the runners from growing, I left them in the pots. This is the next year, and I put them in the ground and they shoot up, but the berries are blue. I don't know what happened.
For the life of me I can't seem to get blueberries to grow in my garden. I bought one 2 years ago and I can't seem to get more than 5 berries and a couple of stems. I bought two last year and they don't seem to be coming back. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. My son loves blueberries and I want to have them available at any time to eat them. I planted a strawberry plant next to them in the same spot and it's already going like gang busters. Any suggestions?
Soil is the key to success with any plant. Have yours tested and see what nutrients it lacks and what the pH is. Blueberries need acidic soil to grow and produce well. If the pH is too high the leaves will be yellow and the plants will struggle to grow. A site with full sun is best. They are very sensitive to drying out so they need plenty of water, especially in the early years. Mulching with wood chips or pine needles will help protect the roots and conserve moisture. It takes a few years for the plants to become established and begin to pump out the berries so after you have made any necessary soil corrections be patient. Eventually you should start to get the berries you are eagerly looking forward to!
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