If you have a sunny space, try your hand at growing grapes!
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I have a grape tree and for years now it doesn't grow it buds and spreads its leaves during rain season nothing else what can i do
Grapes grow on vines. You’re calling your plant a tree; just checking: Are you sure it’s a grape vine? Grapes should be pruned pretty severely to be productive, and this should be done when the vines are dormant.
Some grape vine plants are male; they flower but do not produce grapes (some people don’t want the fruit, they only want the flower).
You refer to it as a tree. It may be that no sunlight is penetrating the canopy. It would need severe pruning.
Those are just a few ideas. You could contact your local cooperative extension service and ask their opinion. Click on your state here and choose from the listings: https://www.almanac.com/content/cooperative-extension-services
We hope this helps!
Please send a guide book or some picture guide how to thank
We bought a cabernet sauvignon vine approx. 10 years ago. My husband didn't know anything about grapes and planted it up next to the house on a southern slope. I have removed the entire root (yes , I really did) and i have it soaking in my willow water rain barrel. Can I save it if I do everything correctly the next time? I have purchased a Concord, Catalba and Niagara White to be planted with it.
This is not an easy undertaking, but you may be able to save the plant: The roots go quite deep; sometimes back hoes are required to capture all of them, but if you say so… Cut the vine back to the most vigorous cane, leaving about 8 inches. You can plant in early spring or fall. In preparation for relocation, dig a hole that is twice as wide as the roots, and loosen the soil to a depth that matches the length of the vertical roots. Set the plant at the same level or deeper than the surrounding soil surface. Stake it. Water vigorously for a year (in season), and keep it weeded.
All in all, it might be a lot easier to start a cutting from it or purchase a new vine. But then, the satisfaction to be derived from transplanting this vine might be priceless.
all greenbuds (grapes) were gone, stripped. What could have eaten them?? I had none left. I never saw a bird only chipmunks and squirrels, but saw nothing eating them. What can I do? I live in Michigan
I've had "missing fruit" (peaches) the last two years. I noticed that chipmunks had moved into a bird house that I had made. So I'm leaning towards Alvin, Theodore, and Simon as the most likely culprets.
I'm certainly glad they hate their vegetables!
Good luck, sorry I haven't figured out what to do about them yet, myself. H-G + ENJOY!
Wasps do a lot of damage to ripening grapes. I found that l need to cover my vines with tulle to keep the wasps at bay otherwise its a mess.
I have a grape vine which has grown from soil beside my backyard sun deck . I live in Vancouver BC. The plant has grown onto the deck, lots of leaves which have shrivelled, small fruit and decided to no. 1 get another plant and try again or no. 2 cut the grape back, improve soil and see what happens.
I purchased from a nursery two year old vines, I live in N.E. PA. My couple are doing fine, buds are blooming, o flowers yet and little runners coming out. One of the vines has about 5 inches of nothing, no buds growing on it. Should I cut this down to the plant? And I know I won't be getting any fruit this year, should I cut some of the buds off to strengthen the root system? They seem to be doing great where they are, but shouldn't they be touching each other when it comes time to pollinate. And last question, what about manure, would these babies like it if I gave them a little, maybe in the fall? Or now? First time growing grapes.