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Fishing the Salmon River, Polaski, NY
Photo Credit
Mary Jaeger
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I caught a 24 1/2” largemouth bass its girth was 19 1/2”. Caught at Lake Bacharach, Mexico. On a scale it was 10 lb 7 oz
It can be measured in a any weighting machine
that's why they call it fishing not catching.
Please help me with formula to estimate robusta fish weight.
Thank you
Settle down boys, it's just a fish!
I will tell you where I caught my fish. There is luck and skill to catching fish and there"s plenty for all. Don't be a smart ass.
This is the fixed version of the 1st. Sorry could you delete the 1st?
You know how everybody always ask you where you caught it,and you really don't want to say.
I always say in the mouth or in the water,lol.