Monthly Horoscope for November 2024

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At-a-Glance Horoscope for Every Zodiac Sign

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Can you believe it is almost Thanksgiving? Sheeesh! Find at-a-glance horoscopes for November 2024, covering every sign of the zodiac, courtesy of longtime Almanac astrologer Celeste Longacre.

November 2024 Horoscope General Summary

This is a big month, with elections coming up on the 5th. At that time, planet Mars will be opposite planet Pluto. Expect lots of power plays the entire first week of this month. Things are likely to be a bit unsettled, so spending time “being” at the start of each day could help us remain calm and collected. 

We have a New Moon at 8:47 AM (EDT) on the 1st. Expect energy levels to increase through the Full Moon on the 15th at 4:28 PM (EST).

Planet Mercury begins another period of apparent retrograde motion on the 25th. It will remain so until the day of the Full Moon on December 15th. It might be a good idea to get some holiday shopping done early this month to avoid the potential confusion that Mercury retrograde can bring.

Many believe that the evening between October 31st and November 1st is a time when the barrier between those living and the ones who have passed beyond is particularly thin. Some even think that this represents a time when relatives who have died can return in order to speak to us.

 I, myself, am not sure, but I can share my favorite story concerning a wife whose husband had died. He spent a lot of his life building MG cars from parts. He had one 1931 model that looked like it was in a showroom; it gleamed. The wife wanted to sell it and found a buyer, but he didn’t want to pay her price. She was making toast one night and said, “Gerry (the husband), I don’t know what to do.” At that moment, the toast shot out of the toaster and hit the ceiling. She kept her price, and the buyer paid it. It is important to keep an open mind as truth is often stranger than fiction.

Zodiac Profiles for November

Aries (March 21–April 20)

An inner intuition on the 2nd could lead to a bonus of income. Don’t let others push you around on the 3rd. You will have a really great time getting out and about with your children on the 27th.

Taurus (April 21–May 20)

If you buy it on the 3rd, you are likely to pay too much for it. Don’t believe everything that your friends tell you on the 9th. Traveling with friends could be a really good time on the 22nd.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

A bright idea to bring more money into your work scene could be yours on the 2nd. Avoid the tendency to be overly idealistic about your career on the 12th. Folks enjoy what you have to say on the 16th and 17th.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

You and your partner could have an excellent day traveling on the 6th. You sparkle and shine on the 18th and 19th. A deep inspiration on the 25th may help you solve a problem you have been having at work.

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Good past actions could pay current dividends on the 4th. Expect the unexpected on the 16th. You are destined to have a really good time on the 27th.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

You are brimming with lots of good ideas on how to improve your life on the 2nd. Don’t believe what others tell you on the 12th. People are prone to see things your way on the 23rd and 24th.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Avoid the tendency to overdo or say too much on the 3rd. Don’t believe everything that others tell you on the 9th. Much can be accomplished by working from home on the 22nd.

Scorpio (October 23–November 22)

Writing is strongly favored for you on the 2nd; get something done. Keep control of your temper on the 3rd for best results. An inner intuition could bring more money into your life on the 21st.

Sagittarius (November 23–December 21)

Be careful not to overdo on the 3rd. Folks tend to see things your way on the 4th. Indulge your desire to have lots of fun on the 13th.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You can move your career forward by taking some steps on the 4th. Don’t let things from the past keep you from moving forward on the 12th. Some positive karma is likely to return to you on the 22nd.

Aquarius (January 20–February 19)

You sparkle and shine on the 8th and 9th. Expect the unexpected on the 16th. Intuition is really strong for you on the 19th.

Pisces (February 20–March 20)

Don’t believe everything that you hear on the 9th. Folks are interested in what you have to say on the 10th and 11th. Travel beckons, and it could be a really good time on the 18th.

See our calendar of Best Days by the Moon for different activities.

About The Author

Celeste Longacre

Celeste is The Old Farmer's Almanac astrologer. She has also been growing virtually all of her family’s vegetables for the entire year for over 30 years. Read More from Celeste Longacre

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