Planting, Growing, and Caring for Delphinium
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Will the seeds winter over outside, or do I have to keep inside and germinate in the spring to later plant outside?
Hi Patricia,
Delphinium seeds need a cold period for spring germination. The recommended approach is to harvest your seeds once the flowers have all faded. At that point, cut down the stalks to the ground and hang the stalks indoors to dry. Once the seed pods begin to split (after a few weeks), remove the small seeds and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator during the winter months. About 10 weeks before your last frost date, remove the seeds and begin the germination process indoors. Plant the seeds in evenly moist soil (just not too wet) covering the seeds with about 1/8 inch of soil. Seedlings should emerge in 21 to 28 days. Once seedlings appear, provide plenty of light. Before planting outdoors, harden off your seedlings.
Thank you for this wealth of information.
How many seeds do I need to pland in one place if I am starting them in a pot or the ground?
My delphinium is huge and extremely sturdy. The flowers are starting to fall away and I noticed what appears to be green seed pods. Can I collect these and sow them for more plants? I only have the one and it comes back every year, but no others have developed around it.
Once your delphinium flowers have all bloomed and gone away, it is time to cut the plant’s stalks to the ground. Hang the stalks, which include the green seed pods, in a spot to dry. After a few weeks, you will notice that the pods begin to brown and split. You can also hear the seeds moving around inside the pods if you give the stalk a shake. Break open the pods to remove the tiny seeds and then store them in an air-tight container or zippered plastic bag in your refrigerator over the winter. Delphinium seeds need a cold period over the winter for spring germination. You can start the seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost.
When you say young ones are poisonous, do you mean 'early in the Spring' young or a plant that is one or two years old, rather than a mature plant of 20+ years? Thank you.
The new leaf growth of delphiniums tends to be the most poisonous exposed part of the plant, so delphinium plants are more toxic earlier in the year than they are later in the year.
Are they poisonous if chewed by a dog ?
Yes.. (poisonous means poisonous)
... kinda like drinking gasoline. If humans can't drink it. Then any other living thing probably shouldn't drink gas..
.... next question I'm assuming
Are fires hot? Since fire burns me, will it burn my cat? Hahaha
People people people...
....humans can eat onions but dogs cant. why do you have to act like this is such a dumb question? you dont look smart, you look rude.