Planting, Growing, and Caring for Hostas
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Thank you for detailed information. It was very helpful.
My hostas were doing splendidly until very recently. They are all turning yellow and the leaves are falling off the plants. We have had a lot of spiders this summer and I wondered if it was spider damage.
I was having a large ongoing problem with slugs and snails. Then one day last year I noticed a small frog on my Hosta leaves. Then later on I noticed a small garter snake sunning himself on the Hosta leaves. As a result I have noticed a vast reduction of slugs and snails!
You can put egg shells on the soil. Slugs don't like them.
Thank you. I will definitely try this.
Thank you. This article was very helpful.
Contact : Americanhostasociety.org
They know best. Great website. Ask them anything.
During the summer my large leaf hostas get leaf burn around the edges they are not in heavy sun on the north side of a building possibly get a little when the sun is fully overhead what should I do about the burn
Unless I missed it, you didn't state what to do about slugs. I have a bunch of hostas every year and every year they get eaten up by slugs. What is the remedy to stop slugs?
Thanks, Phil
They hate beer. I fill a shallow container with beer and set it on the ground next to a hosta. Slugs climb into it and never get out!