The Old Farmer's Almanac Documentary

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The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been around since 1792.  To give tribute to its long and honorable history, we are pleased to present The Old Farmer’s Almanac Documentary to our readers.

Sit back and enjoy stories about this Almanac’s origins, history, and odd moments along its path to North America’s most popular reference book and oldest continuously published periodical.

In the words of our founder, Robert B. Thomas, we hope you find it, “useful with a pleasant degree of humor!”

Click here to watch Part 2.

About The Author

Judson D. Hale Sr.

Jud Hale is the Editor Emeritus of The Old Farmer’s Almanac; Jud was the 12th editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac (since 1792!) and joined the parent company Yankee Publishing in 1958 as an Assistant Editor. Read More from Judson D. Hale Sr.

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Marjorie Gerbracht (not verified)

4 years ago

I am curious to know how long the Farmer's Almanac has had people submit recipes and their own original, brief essays? Please advise!

Joseph Goodwin (not verified)

9 years 2 months ago

I am curious as to whether or naught The Old Farmer's Almanac had any ideas of the ensuing drought that would usher in the Dust Bowl?

Steve T. Bennett (not verified)

10 years 5 months ago

Is the farmers almanac research based primarily on astrology and nothing beyond that?

Great question! Do you mean how we prepare our long-range weather predictions? These do not use astrology. Instead, they are based on a formula from our founder, Robert B. Thomas, and only use the scientific disciplines of solar science, climatology, and meteorology. We predict weather trends and events by comparing solar patterns and historical weather conditions with current solar activity. Our forecasts emphasize temperature and precipitation deviations from averages, or normals. These are based on 30-year statistical averages prepared by government meteorological agencies and updated every 10 years.
The times of sunset/sunrise, planetary conjunctions, eclipses, etc.--are all based on astronomy, not astrology.
We do offer astrology-based information in our astrology section, which features the Moon's astrological place (please note, this is different from the Moon's astronomical place mentioned on the Calendar pages), the Best Days to do various tasks, such as prune to encourage growth, setting eggs, etc. We also offer zodiac profiles as well as other astrology articles.
Except for those gardening activities in the Best Days section that are tied to the Moon's astrological place (such as those mentioned above), our gardening information is not based on astrology; instead, it is solely based on horticultural science as well as tips and folklore from experienced farmers and gardeners throughout the ages. Our Planting by the Moon's phase information does not use the zodiac signs, just the Moon's lunar cycle combined with average planting dates for various regions.
Hope this helps!

stevenlouton (not verified)

13 years 4 months ago

I truly love my old Farmer's almanac, but when it comes to the weather I find that if I flip it around that seems to work best.

If it is predicted to be hot I know it will be cold if it is predicted to be cold I know it will be

But even so I still love my Farmer's almanac and is why I subscribe to it year after year.

theroughdraftf… (not verified)

14 years 4 months ago

Nearly,Ten editions have been produced since I took my road trip on September day up to Dublin, where I was greeted by Ms.Janice Stillman the first woman Publisher of The Old Farmers Almanac. I four the estate of the Hon.Robt.B.Thomas in the most capable hands and was treated very kindly by the staff who carry on the duties of the daily operation of Yankee and Co.

As with many of us I started reading TOFA at the knee of my parents and Grandmother all of whom used the Almanac as part of their lives.My folks having grown up in a time when our town still had un paved roads and dirt side walks. Living right on the Delaware River where the 3 states (N.Y/N.J./P.A. conjoin offered many wonders and pleasures that have since taken leave.

The OFA survives and gives me respite taking me to a earlier time and a pice of what was that continues and can be touched by my twins aged 8 and their nephews and nieces.

I want to thank Ms.Stillman and staff for preserving the old book and invite others to enjoy the wit , poems, tips , puzzles and wisdom that still fills this publication, all these many years, in the tradition and in the name of that ob't servant,
Your friend through out all my ages,
Ralph E.Drake

pamster55 (not verified)

14 years 4 months ago

I ADORE The Old Farmers Almanac!!! My grandfather was the one who introduced my interest and then my continued love of this wonderful publication. I use it with admiration in the way it has remained true to it's original form and find it most acccurate in weather forecasting and planting guides. On the rare occasions that I plant without reading the moon guides, I have regretted it while looking upon my less than productive vegetable gardens! It has always been amazing to me the accuracy in which this historic publication continues to produce. I start looking for the new version at the end of each summer and then once it is in my greedy hands I read and reread it all year long! My Thanks to all of the dedicated people who put their hearts and souls into keeping this icon alive!! Pam Walsh