Weather Forecast for Plummer, ID
Current Weather Conditions
Fog | |
Temperature26°F | Feels Like16°F |
Humidity92% | WindS 10 mph |
Pressure28 in | Visibility1 mi |
Conditions at Spokane |
Weather Forecast
39°F | Sun and clouds mixed. High 39F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. |
23°F | Mostly cloudy. Low 23F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. |
30°F | Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High near 30F. Winds light and variable. |
Tomorrow night
21°F | Mostly cloudy. Low 21F. Winds light and variable. |
30°F | Some sun in the morning with increasing clouds during the afternoon. Very cold. High around 30F. Winds light and variable. |
Saturday night
16°F | Considerable clouds early. Some decrease in clouds late. Low 16F. Winds light and variable. |
29°F | A few clouds early, otherwise mostly sunny. High 29F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. |
Sunday night
12°F | Clear skies. Low 12F. Winds light and variable. |
24°F | Sunshine and clouds mixed. Very cold. High 24F. Winds light and variable. |
Monday night
15°F | Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low near 15F. Winds light and variable. |