Weather Forecast for Fairbury, NE
Current Weather Conditions
Partly Cloudy / Windy | |
Temperature28°F | Feels Like14°F |
Humidity65% | WindN 22 mph |
Pressure28 in | Visibility10 mi |
Conditions at Hebron |
Weather Forecast
16°F | Partly cloudy skies with gusty winds. Low 16F. Winds N at 20 to 30 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. |
23°F | Partly to mostly cloudy. Much colder. High 23F. Winds N at 15 to 25 mph. |
Tomorrow night
5°F | A few clouds. Very cold. Low near 5F. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph. |
15°F | Abundant sunshine. Very cold. High near 15F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. |
Sunday night
3°F | Bitterly cold. Mainly clear early, then a few clouds later on. Low 3F. Winds light and variable. |
14°F | Cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon. Very cold. High 14F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. |
Monday night
-2°F | Bitterly cold. Clear skies. Low -2F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. |
28°F | Mostly sunny skies. Very cold. High 28F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. |
Tuesday night
19°F | A few clouds from time to time. Low 19F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. |
41°F | Partly cloudy. High 41F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. |