
8 Calming Strategies for Anxiety and Anger


You can help yourself with panic, fear, hopelessness, and resentment.

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We all have times when we experience strong negative emotions—anger, panic, fear, anxiety, frustration, sadness, hopelessness, and resentment. Here are eight simple calming strategies to help.

I’ve found that I can’t do much to prevent the rise of negative emotions, but I have found ways that help to halt a downward plunge. I call it “calling down the calm.”

Negative emotions are often justifiable, especially in emotionally or physically toxic environments, and on those days when one calamity after another seems to strike. But ruminating on what caused the feelings or acting impulsively when I’m in the grip of a negative state does nothing to fix the situation and sends you down a path you may not want to follow.

3 Steps to Calm Yourself

Each of my calming strategies begins with:

  1. Noticing the rising feeling,
  2. Naming it, then
  3. Intervening quickly to restore emotional balance.

In my experience, “calling down the calm” is empowering because each technique involves self-awareness and choice. Each of these strategies is available immediately, costs nothing, and takes no training.

Benefits to Calming down

There are good reasons for many of our feelings—positive and negative and in between. Strong negative feelings evoke a cascade of physiological responses that enable us to respond quickly to genuine threat. But allowed to fester, the same responses endanger our health.

Plus harboring negative emotions makes us feel lousy. It’s no accident our words anger, anxiety, and angst share a common ancient root, which means to narrow, squeeze, or choke. Held onto, negative feelings narrow my perspective, shrink my options, and choke any possible joy from the moment.

calm-woman-peopleimages-gettyimages_full_width.jpgImage Credit: PeopleImages/Getty

8 Calming Tips

  1. Take a breath (or 10). Breath is one of our greatest psychological and physiological tools. It’s always available, and, practiced mindfully, it exerts immediate positive effects on both body and mind. Try it right now: Inhale slowly, breathing through your nose and expanding your lungs. Keep your shoulders relaxed and relax your jaw. Exhale slowly through your mouth, making a  soft “whooshing” sound as you exhale.
    Repeat this breathing exercise. Do it for several minutes until you start to feel better.
  2. Count. Mom’s old advice to “Count to 10” really holds up in moments of great emotional stress. Not only does it refocus attention, but also its ordering function tends to keep me moving forward with the task at hand or with a calm and appropriate response to the situation.
  3. Just stay with the discomfort. Somebody once gave me this valuable advice: “Nobody ever died from a strong feeling. Sometimes just sitting with your discomfort and doing nothing is the most powerful act of all.” This is different from suppression, because I’ve acknowledged the rising feeling and named it. I find naming a powerful psychological tool because it gives me some distance from the focus of my discomfort, so I don’t fully identify with it. I feel angry, but I’m not the anger.
  4. Stop! Sometimes just interrupting the negative feeling with a stern injunction to quit it works wonders. Because all I have to do to avoid any damage from hanging on to a feeling, really, is just to stop it cold.
  5. Move. Intentional physical movement—a quick turn around the parking lot or the driveway, a few jumping jacks—brings the attention to the working muscles instead of the mental chaos.
  6. Laugh. Laughing, even when you don’t feel like it, measurably reduces stress hormones and positively affects the immune function and cardiovascular systems. Researchers say that laughter is contagious and works its magic best in company with others. But laughing alone works, too. Fake laughter works. Even anticipating a humorous experience confers health benefits. 
  7. Groan, shout, or shriek. People instinctively groan in the grip of strong emotion. But I’m talking about groaning intentionally, just to break the grip of a negative emotion. It works wonders for me. I do most of my groaning and shrieking in my car (alone), where I don’t feel self-conscious. Groaning and shrieking encourages deeper, more complete breathing (see previous), and sometimes morphs into hilarious laughter (see previous).
  8. Be joyful. Finally, when I can remember to, I take the advice of the opening lines from Carl Sandburg’s wonderful poem, â€śJoy”:

Let a joy keep you.
Reach out your hands
And take it as it runs by… .
Keep away from the little deaths.

After all, nothing describes the corrosive effects of long-held negative feelings than “the little deaths.” I’m for grabbing the next little joy that runs by!

About The Author

Margaret Boyles

Margaret Boyles is a longtime contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. She wrote for UNH Cooperative Extension, managed NH Outside, and contributes to various media covering environmental and human health issues. Read More from Margaret Boyles

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