Is it time to dye, color, or highlight your hair? From balayage and ecaille to color melt and dip-dyes, these are the best days to make an appointment to color your hair.
Five Next Best Days
These are the next five best days to Color Hair, based on the Moon’s sign.
- January 8, 2025
- January 9, 2025
- February 4, 2025
- February 5, 2025
- March 3, 2025
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The answer to today's riddle about how skates & apples are alike - they both caused the fall of man is pathetic. Why didn't Adam say no? To blame anyone, but specifically a woman, because a male has no self control is one of the reasons the world is imploding.
Yes, but our father knew how We would be as people, and it is up to us to practice faith and to be kind to others.