Daily Calendar for Sunday, April 7, 2024

Question of the Day

Is there a region on Earth where the lengths of the days and the nights remain almost constant throughout the year?

Yes, on the equator. Every day of the year the Sun is up half the time, so there are always 12 hours of sunshine at the equator.

Advice of the Day

If kites fly high, fair weather is coming.

Home Hint of the Day

To avoid situations that may result in a leaky roof, inspect your roof in the spring for winter damage. Check for cracks in gutters and downspouts and for curled, torn or blistered shingles. If repairs are needed, see that they’re done right away.

Word of the Day

Golden number
A number in the 19-year cycle of the Moon, used for determining the date of Easter. (The Moon repeats its phases approximately every 19 years.) Add 1 to any given year and divide the result by 19; the remainder is the Golden Number. If there is no remainder, the Golden Number is 19.

Puzzle of the Day

Why did the ram fall over the cliff?
It didn’t see the ewe turn!


  • William Wordsworth (poet) –
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglas (American conservationist) –
  • Irene Castle (dancer) –
  • Walter Winchell (columnist & broadcaster) –
  • Billie Holiday (jazz singer) –
  • Robert Pershing "Bobby" Doerr (baseball player) –
  • James Garner (actor) –
  • Francis Ford Coppola (director) –
  • Tony Dorsett (football player) –
  • Jackie Chan (actor & stuntman) –
  • Russell Crowe (actor) –
  • Tiki Barber (football player) –


  • Phineas Taylor (P. T.” Barnum circus owner”) –
  • Dave Arneson (co-creator of the fantasy game Dungeons & Dragons) –
  • George Nissen (inventor of the trampoline) –
  • Mike Wallace (broadcast journalist) –


  • Booker T. Washington became the first African American to be pictured on a U.S. postage stamp–
  • The World Health Organization was established by the United Nations–
  • Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical South Pacific opened on Broadway, N.Y.C.–
  • First distinguishable radar echo bounced off the Sun–
  • Jack Nicklaus won Masters Golf Tournament–
  • John Wayne won a Best Actor Oscar for his role in True Grit–
  • The Toronto Blue Jays played their first American League baseball game–
  • NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft launched–
  • After an undefeated season, UConn’s women’s basketball team won the NCAA championship–
  • A 4.9-magnitude aftershock registered in central Italy following the previous day’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake–


  • Record early heat in New England, 90 degrees in Hartford, CT–
  • A severe snowstorm closed highways in Iowa and left 19.2 inches of snow in Dubuque–
  • Sahara Desert sand began falling in Switzerland–

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