Daily Calendar for Sunday, August 4, 2024

Question of the Day

How can I keep rabbits out of my garden?
Try planting a double row of onions around your garden next year. Rabbits apparently hate the smell of onions and won’t cross the rows.

Advice of the Day

A lady must not, while wearing her bridal veil, smoke a cigarette. — Emily Post

Home Hint of the Day

A dock left in fresh water for the winter is likely to be destroyed by the pressure from ice if the lake freezes. Remove your dock at the end of the summer season.

Word of the Day

A part of the ocean near the equator, abounding in calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds, which sometimes prevent all progress for weeks; — so called by sailors. To be in the doldrums, to be in a state of listlessness ennui, or tedium.

Puzzle of the Day

(Blank) what you (Blank).(What’s the saying? Fill in the blanks!)
1) Practice 2) preach


  • King Henry I of France –
  • Hans Christian Andersen (writer) –
  • Pearl White (actress) –
  • Melvyn Douglas (actor) –


  • Louis Armstrong (musician) –
  • William Howard Schuman (composer) –
  • Billy Bob Thornton (actor) –
  • Barack Obama (44th U.S. president) –
  • Roger Clemens (baseball player) –
  • Jeff Gordon (race car driver) –
  • Kurt Busch (race car driver) –
  • Dylan and Cole Sprouse (actors) –


  • In a triumph for freedom of the press, newspaperman John Peter Zenger was acquitted of the charge of seditious libel–
  • George Washington became a Master Mason–
  • What is now Prince Edward Island became separate from Nova Scotia–
  • The Saturday Evening Post was published for the first time as a weekly newspaper–
  • Aurora visible in much of the United States–
  • Thomas Stevens was the first to bicycle across the United States, leaving San Francisco on April 22 and arriving on this day in Boston to complete his transcontinental trip.–
  • The family of Lizzie Borden was found murdered in their home in Fall River, Massachusetts–
  • Canada entered WWI–
  • The Gestapo found Anne Frank–
  • Three civil rights workers (James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner) were found murdered outside Philadelphia, Mississippi–
  • Major geomagnetic storm–
  • President Jimmy Carter signed legislation creating the United States Department of Energy–
  • Phoenix Mars Lander launched, Cape Canaveral, Florida–


  • Spokane, Washington, reached a record high temperature of 108 degrees F–
  • 112 degrees F at Walla Walla, Washington–

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