Choosing the Best Perennials and Annuals for Containers
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Getting Started with Flower Gardening
Building a Raised Flower Bed Garden
Choosing Flowers
Types of Flower Gardens
Flower Gardening for Pollinators
Growing Flowers in Containers
Spring and Fall Bulbs
Caring for Flowers
Have a potted rose plant in Southern California. It’s been pruned but now I’m not sure how to care for it during the winter months. Does it need to be watered regularly, etc.?
Can you give tips for growing Dahlias in pots! mine is alive but barely...... thanks
For pots, make sure dahlias are placed in a place that gets plenty of light. That is usually the reason for dahlias. Also, if you’re potting, make sure you’re not adding too much nitrogenous fertilizer.
Respected sir
I am Biswanath, I’m living in mumbai, india. I have purchase sum “Calla Lily Seed”
But I do not success to germination it over one and half month.
Please give me some suggestion about calla lily seed germination.
I Have 5 large clay pots and want to plant flowers on my patio which is shaded only get 2 hours of sun each days what would be the best flowers. I live in San Antonio Texas.
Caladium, bee balm, lenten rose, and astillbe are good plants for shade.
I have a beautiful flowering bush by my swimming pool. It is covered with orange "trumpets" all summer. I don't know the name of this plant, we just call it a trumpet vine. People ask me for something to grow this plant at their home. I collected some seed from the now dried pods and put them in small glasses with water. Now they have begun to sprout. My question is, now what? Do I transplant them in potting soil in plastic pots? Do I keep them indoors all winter? My wife says that since new ones have sprouted in the spring, obviously from seeds spread from the original big plant, should I put the pots outdoors in the winter? I live at 2300 feet up in the Sierras, and it very rarely gets below freezing here, but does sometimes go down as low as 28 degrees. Should I water them if they are indoors? Should I put them in sunlight or is normal indoor light in the winter okay?
There are several varieties of trumpet vines and many are invasive. These are best grown in pots to keep them from spreading. One is called trumpet creeper (Campsis Radicans). It can grow 30-40 feet in a season, with a trunk several inches across. A close relative is the cross vine (Bignonia Capriolata). It is also called trumpet flower, or trumpet vine. The vines are shorter and the flowers are smaller. Plant some of the seedlings in pots outside and keep some in pots indoors. If you have seeds left you can plant the seeds outdoors in the spring.
Very good tips for container gardening with flowers...........Thanks.
I planted flowers in containers and now they are all greenery and no flowers. what should i do?