Benjamin Franklin, c. 1785, by Joseph Siffred Duplessis (1725-1802), National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.
The father of the modern almanac
Oops- lighht bulb definitely but DC and almanac was Benjamin Banneker, another Black man to know and honor.
According to Benfranklinhouse, as well as other sources, Ben Franklin was not only an enslaver but also published the postings looking for "runaways". Please nte this and consider if these are the morals you wish to tout. You are more about truth.
Also consider Mr.Latimer a Black man who also wrote an almanac, was involved in the incandescent light bulb perfection, designed the layout for Washington DC, another multi- tslented inventor.
When young those things were true. He later wrote and spoke out against slavery. His last public act was to offer a bill for its abolition.
I am a lifelong admirer of Ben Franklin who was born on his birthday January 17, 1949 in Philadelphia. My lucky number is therefore 17 and am a fan of all Philly teams, particularly the Sixers and their mascot Franklin the Dog. Imagine how surprised I was, as an adult chaperone on a trip to the Franklin Institute, to learn from a plaque on the wall that Franklin was NOT really born on January 17. The change in the colonies from the Julian to Gregorian calendar in 1752 gave him the birthdate of January 17, but he was really born 6 days, I believe, earlier!!!! England’s reluctance to make that change is a story in itself. But never mind, I still feel lucky with 17, and only wish our schools and country gave more attention to the brilliant person that Franklin was. Thank you for this course, Dr Emanuel!
I find this article very enlightening and informative. Reading the words almost brings the past to the present. Wish we had such intelligent today of those that founded this country.
I've walked the Freedom Trail in Boston and visited the buildings and cemeteries and touched the stones. Be nice if elementary school kids do the same as well as take field trips to various historical towns and places like Fort Ticonderoga to learn the who's and what's and how's and when's. and why's.. Then at school discus what they learned and saw and what it meant to them. Take trips not only Boston but Phila & Wash DC. So much to learn about this country that is taken for granted. The NE holds a treasure full of history.
I mention elementary as those years are so absorbent, formidable and may give a sense of direction to be proud.
My two cents.
Franklin had a slave and like most white people thought the black race inferior. After observing and comparing how black children learned and white children learned he REASONED both races were fundamentally equal in intelligence. He then CHANGED HIS MIND about human bondage and spoke out against slavery; hopefully freeing the man who had been his servant.
Ben Franklin and his friends started the first lending library!
If he could imagine how much this "library" has given the world. I am a big fan of the library!
My favorite Benjamin Franklin quote is, “Black lives madder.” A close second is, “Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys.”
My favorite Ben Franklin quote is: “God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy.”
Need I say more?