Taking care of a pet’s health is an essential part of being a pet owner, so make sure you know these home remedies for your furry friends.
Remedies for Fleas, Dry Skin, Cuts, Skunk Spray, and More
I appreciate the honesty, but why bother with a post like this if you don't have a single veterinarian on staff? Every advice here on this article could be potentially lethal to a pet. How do I know? I don't, because you couldn't find a single vet to proof read it. It shows an incredible lack of care for whatever happens to the pets of the desperate and poor pet parents that have to trust in random internet articles due to a lack of money for an actual veterinarian.
Are you telling me you couldn't find one? JUST ONE? to proof read this article? Wow...
These remedies they put on here are for people with common sense people that can’t and dont need a vet to back it up lol. It’s a tool for people that might not have vet money so why cear what a vet says. So do nothing? The Great Farmers Almanac is a very useful Book. What would you do if you couldn’t get to a vet? That’s what a real pet lover would want to know. lol have a blessed be day.
Cindy you sound like you don't have sense to see when a person is trying to find help for their pet. Don't read posts if it aggravates you so much . Please only offer insight or remedies you think are good and keep your insults to yourself. Given your other comments you are not above having issues with a pet or yourself as you claimed. It's easy to point fingers but better to be kind and patient . I hope you and your pets are making it through these hard times . I wish you Good health and patience for others. Have a wonderful day.
While I understand Farmer's Almanac's history of home remedies, tips and tricks for a variety of subjects, these days, pretty much everything pet-related can be handled in more effective ways by a vet. Why go through battling fleas at all when a simple, monthly topical or tablet can keep fleas off your pet, out of your house and put an end to a host of potentially horrible illnesses from parasites? Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes - all dangerous to your pets. Keep heartworm, lyme disease and others out of your life with safe, effective medication. As for stomach upset, usually skipping a meal or two will resolve it but definitely consult a vet. General care and grooming tips - these are great.
For Mike. So, you don’t think that monthly pill is harmful? It is convenient for you and poisonous to your pet, period. Day after day, month after month, year after year you poison your dog. I understand that not everyone has ability to check his dog for flees, like I have, but stop recommend the poison over the natural remedies. Maybe you own a cat? Stop poisoning him too.
you should NOT use hydrogen peroxide on dog wounds according to my vet
I clean Rosie's nose once a day but it is still raw looking and she keeps licking it after I put salve on it. Any suggestions?
You're probably over this problem but if not or for anyone else who can't afford to keep going to the vet..things like this need a gentle cleaning with a new piece of paper towel- warm water w/tiny drop dish soap - rinse with a new piece of paper towel in slightly cooler water- let dry and apply polysporin. I like to use the polysporin with the pain killer lidocaine if pets wound looks painful. It's okay if they lick it off because the polysporin is difficult to totally remove from their tongue so, they will just keep licking it back on the area. Once a healthy scab has formed I stop using the polysporin. I will then cut open a small piece of my aloe vera plant leaf and apply it as often as I can to speed up the healing. This has never failed me in the 50 plus years of always having a pet(s). However, any larger deeper or post surgery wounds I always went to the vet and followed their instructions. 😁
Make sure any moisturizing nose balm is well rubbed-in. It’s normal for a dog to lick lotion or something that they sense or smell. It’s not clear why your dog’s nose is raw? It could be allergies to food or something in the environment, such as weeds. Some pets need decongestants or antihistamines. If this continues or the dog’s nose cracks, you should visit the vet.
I have this pet mouse who developed some kind of skin condition....
reddish patches on her back......allergies
She is about one year old now!
any suggestions of the home remedies that are effective on all hamsters????.......
Thanks a lot!