National Flower Day (March 21): Three Ways to Celebrate Flowers!

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A Holiday for Flowers? Why Not!

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March 21 is National Flower Day. What is spring without flowers? Pollinators, birds, and life wouldn’t exist without these beauties. See three fun ways to bring flowers into your garden—plus, our prettiest flower pics!

When is National Flower Day?

Fittingly, National Flower Day falls on March 21. This date aligns with the spring equinox, the first day of spring! 

While the date of the spring equinox can shift from year to year, this holiday always occurs on March 21. The vernal equinox is a symbolic day of renewal and new life—and the unofficial start of the gardening season. 

a container garden full of flowers
A container garden! Credit: kschulze/GettyImage

What is National Flower Day?

This is a fun holiday to celebrate the beauty and importance of flowers. Flowers not only bring joy to our lives but also pollinate, have culinary and medicinal purposes, and help sustain our entire ecosystem.

We’re unclear about National Flower Day’s history. Of course, there are National Tree Days; National Arbor Day is celebrated in the U.S. every year on the last Friday in April. Another floral day is on October 7, when President Ronald Reagan declared the rose the U.S. national flower and signed Senate Joint Resolution 159 into law.

flower border
Container garden flower border. Credit: Juriah Mosin/Shutterstock

Why Plant Flowers?

The pollen and nectar from flowers feed our bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and insects. All those fruiting vegetables—from tomatoes to zucchini—wouldn’t exist without flowers. So flowers also feed us!

In addition, flowers have surprising health benefits, including helping us sleep, calming our minds, and increasing positive feelings. See the healing benefits of flowers.

Flowers also help control pests in your vegetable garden! See our Companion Planting Chart to find out which flowers work best.

And, of course, flowers add color, scents, and texture to our gardens, stimulating our senses and adding artistic beauty to our lives!

Planting flowers for pest control, pollination, and beauty! Credit :Liliboas GettyImages

Fun Flower Ideas for the Garden

1. Do you want a flower garden that delivers continuous blooms from spring through summer and into the fall? We’re excited to share this new flower color guide, which tells you the best flowers to plant to get color all season and fill those “bloom gaps.” See the Best Flowers for Continous Color Flowers All Season.

native flowers in a 3 season flower bed
Native flowers in a 3-season flower bed. Credit: Schwirl52/GettyImages

2. What is your favorite flower color? Some of us love the rare blues. Others love the color of orange flowers, which add sizzle to the garden, brighten up dark corners, and attract hummingbirds. See our new flower color collections—and pick your favorite!

Grue blue flowers with a pop of pink. Credit: Edita Medeina/shutterstock

3. Flowers have a language all their own and mark milestones such as weddings and funerals. See a list of flower meanings and create a garden or a special bouquet that symbolizes your feelings—for Mother’s Day or any special occasion.

a flower bouquet
A flower bouquet with flowers that have meaning. Credit: zozzzzo/Getty Images

We hope that you enjoy the healing beauty of flowers—and commit to adding some flowering blooms to your life!

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann