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‘Tis the season to be baking cookies! But before you put out a plate for Santa, check out what cookie you are, based on your zodiac sign.
Baking with the Stars
I come from a family of legendary bakers. So it’s no surprise that my childhood holidays were filled with Christmas treats from stollen to fruitcakes. My favorite was always the cookies. I remember sitting around the table, waiting for Mom to pull out a fresh batch of gingerbread people so I could begin decorating.
However, not everyone was a fan of these ginger-y confections. My little sis preferred the plain sugar cookies, while my brothers wanted something entirely different.
Before you start your holiday baking, you might want to take a poll to get a feel for everyone’s cookie cravings. Or, better yet, you could let astrology help you find the right cookies for everybody on your list.
1. Aries Cookie (March 21 to April 19)
Adventurous Aries prefers big, bold flavors. They need something exciting, so breaking away from tradition is best. Cranberry Cardamom & Citrus Pinwheels keep the holiday vibe but with flair. They’re also a bit spicy, just like those born under the sign of the Ram.
2. Taurus Cookie (April 20 to May 20)
Taurus adores both comfort and decadence. Instead of the hustle and bustle, a mellow holiday with plenty of scrumptious goodies keeps them merry. Turtle Thumbprints are traditional yet rich, sure to delight every Taurus!
Geminis are known to be social butterflies. This time of year finds them flitting about from one festive gathering to another. Too much time cooped up alone, and they get antsy! Give these gadabouts some Old-Fashioned Gingerbread People, and they’ll feel less lonely, even if they’re snowed in.
Warmhearted Cancer loves nothing more than caring for the ones they love. They are the nurturers of the zodiac. Home, family, and mothering fall under their realm, so Mother’s Forgotten Mint Cookies meringue suits them well. These meringues are a great way to take care of this nurturing sign.
Ruled by the Sun, Leo longs for the spotlight. When Leos have an opportunity to shine, they know how to entertain. The grey skies of winter can make them feel a little glum, so give them something to remind them of summer. Lemon-coconut cookies will brighten their spirits and bring out their sunny side.
Precision and details are important to Virgos. After all, they are perfectionists. Swedish Spritz Cookies create gorgeous, uniform cookies, which gives these fussbudgets a sense of order. Add sprinkles of colored sugar, and Virgos might be impressed with your creativity.
For Libras, it must be beautiful, delicious, and elegant. Not just their clothes and surroundings but also anything they put in their mouths. Pistachio-Cranberry Icebox Cookies are stunning to look at and ideal for Libra’s sophisticated palate.
Secretive Scorpios enjoy something with a little mystery. Give them something to solve, and they’ll dive deep until they get to the bottom of the issue. Caramel Candy Cookies look innocent, but hidden inside is a rich swirl of caramel. Scorpio will love biting into these gooey treats. They might even sneak a few extras when you’re not looking.
9. Sagittarius Cookie (November 22 to December 21)
Sagittarius is always on the go. This time of year finds them hitting the slopes one day and jetting off to parts unknown the next. It’s rare to see them sitting still. Winter Energy Cookies will keep them fueled whether they’re on the road or dancing the night away under the mistletoe.
Capricorns are known for having great taste. Clean lines, simple shapes, and a touch of opulence sum up their aesthetic. Classic Christmas Sugar Cookies perfectly balance tradition and quiet luxury, something every Capricorn appreciates.
It’s said that Aquarius is the most cool-headed sign of the zodiac. Perhaps this could be due to being born in the coldest part of the year. Snowball Cookies match their chill vibe and are a playful nod to winter. Serve these with a mug of hot cocoa and marshmallows, and watch them melt.
Those born under the sign of Pisces tend to be gentle and sensitive. Sometimes, they are too soft-hearted for their own good. The aches and pains of the world really get to them. Bake these peaceful souls some Candy Cane Dessert Squares, a creamy bar that tastes like a peppermint cloud, and watch those worry lines disappear.
Here’s a fun idea: if you do an annual cookie exchange, assign the cookies based on the baker’s astrological sign. Too many Libras or Pisces on that list? Have them pull slips instead.
Which cookie is the best for you? Do you agree? Tell us in the comments!
Winter Energy cookie for Sagittarius, no, just no. Sugar cookie, particularly a Moravian sugar cookie, wouldn't be bad. Moravian Christmas Cookie, as they make them a Winkler Bakery in Old Salem, NC, would be even better. And either a spekulatius cookie (spiced or almond) or a zimtstern would be good for Sagittarius.
Please please tell me how to save your recipes!!! I thoroughly enjoy and want to keep them somewhere safe! Once I could pin them to Pinterest but no longer. Thanks for your help, Debbie
Go to the top of the recipe and look on the right for the red icons. Select the printer icon. When the print sidebar opens, change your printer to whatever .pdf app you have, tell it to print and it will let you select the file you save your recipes in. Easy-peasy and it saves the picture too!