Flowering Plants for Valentine's Day That Last!

Cyclamen plant with pink flowers and dark green leaves
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Skip the cut flowers this year and bring home a potted plant

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For Valentine’s Day or just to brighten your winter, look to flowering plants and skip the cut flowers. With a flower pot, the gift is just the beginning! Here are cold-loving flowering pots that last, including plants with heart-shaped flowers.


The cyclamen is the perfect houseplant to brighten up February with its heart-shaped and colorful blossoms in Valentine’s colors of pink and red!

Cyclamens flower indoors for several months as long as they are kept cool.  When plants finish their bloom cycle, feed them with diluted water-soluble fertilizer, so they put out more leaves to increase the size of their underground tuber. 

By June, plants go dormant, leaves die, and tubers should be removed from pots to dry and store. They’ll bloom again the following winter.


African Violets

Other easily found flowering plants, such as African violets, bloom year-round indoors in the right light conditions. African violets also have unique leaves that form an almost heart shape! They usually come in purple, but they’re also available in red and other colors. 

They don’t need strong direct light, so they work well in wintertime; they do well in an east-facing window or three or four feet away from the bright light of west and south windows.


Red-flowered Anthuriums are perfect for Valentine’s Day because the “flowers” (which are actually modified leaves) are heart-shaped! 

You’ll surely see many of these plants in nurseries and even a Trader Joe’s around February. 

Peace Lilies

The long-lasting, pure white flowers of Peace Lilies are also subtly fragrant and the plant bears beautiful, glossy, oval leaves that narrow to a point.

Peace lilies are similar to African violets in that they do not require strong direct light, and are happy winter plants.

Georgina198/Getty Images


Even orchids, particularly phalaenopsis, can be grown indoors throughout the year. However, I get better flowering results if I put both outside in a sheltered northeast spot for the summer. 


Or, consider the hellebore. This lovely plant with its pastel flowers will bloom for months. After enjoying hellebore flowers, you can plant them outside when the ground thaws enough to dig a hole. They laugh at the cold and keep on blooming. See how to care for hellebore.


Miniature Roses

Miniature roses are another good choice to give or receive as a token of love. They do need strong, direct light. Enjoy the blooms for several months. Deadhead spent flowers, fertilized, and then waited until outdoor temperatures were warm. The little flower powerhouses look terrific in containers on the patio or deck and do well in the ground in climates where temperatures don’t go below 10ºF in the winter.

All the plants I mentioned, and more, can be found at local garden centers or ordered from flower delivery services.

I’m hoping for red Anthurium this year… You can print out this article and leave it in a spot where your Valentine is certain to see it.

What are you wishing for this season of love? 

About The Author

Doreen G. Howard

Doreen Howard, an award-winning author, is the former garden editor at Woman’s Day. She has gardened in every climate zone from California to Texas to Oklahoma to the Midwest. She’s especially fond of unusual houseplants and heirloom edibles. Read More from Doreen G. Howard