
Ethel Wallace's White Mountain Frosting

The Editors
Ample to frost a 2-layer or standard oblong cake.
Preparation Method
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Just how this vanilla frosting snuck in among all this delicious chocolate we don’t know, but it’s a mighty good one.

2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
3/4 cup water
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix sugar, cream of tartar, and water in a saucepan. Boil slowly, without stirring, until mixture spins a 6-inch to 8-inch thread when a little is dropped from a spoon held over the saucepan. Keep the pan covered for the first 3 minutes to prevent crystals from forming on the sides of the pan. While syrup is cooking, beat egg whites until stiff enough to hold a peak. Pour the hot syrup very slowly in a thin stream into the egg whites, beating constantly. Add vanilla and continue beating until mixture is fluffy and will hold its shape.

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The Almanac Chefs

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