Wow - I made butter accidentally one day when I was distracted ! And, I never had to go through all of the lengthy steps in your butter making process. All I did was whip the heavy cream using an electric mixer until I got the consistency of whipped butter ... slightly yellow / light colored and fluffy. No chilled bowls or ice water needed. Afterwards, I just place the whipped butter into an airtight container and use it immediately or refrigerate it. It lasts for a few days (if you get a little bit of water in container after refrigeration just dump out the very minimal excess water), but this butter seems to disappear quickly in my house. My friends now make their butter as well and enjoy it. I like to make the butter when I make homemade rolls or bread ... just so delicious. For flavorings ... just add them after your final whip and whip it until just combined. Try: honey, cinnamon and sugar, garlic, herb, or salt.
I have my Mom's churn and a hand-carved butter paddle one of her uncles made. The paddle looks like a smooth, fat, thick spatula, is made out of maple, and is used to work the milk out of the churned butter while you rinse it in cold water....preferably while sitting on the porch looking out at the mountains and trees. A Jersey cow gives the creamiest milk. I've seen whole, raw milk advertised here in Oregon for ten dollars a gallon...that makes expensive butter and could be "iffy" unless you have your own cow! Be picky about the source of your milk! Homemade butter is awesome!
Compound butter is a great way to add different flavors to your foods! Thanks for the tip.