Some Election Day History
I think keeping with the tradition is fine but let's make it a national holiday! Give people the day off and encourage everyone to get out and vote! Keep polls open all day and into evening hours. The right to vote and exercise that right is too important to do piece meal. Just my opinion on the matter.
Why can't we all just vote online? Or mail our ballots in? (Not that Government, or rather Gummint (because it gums things up) can possibly solve our problems...)
Why change it? Most people don't do their traveling on Tuesdays. Weekends are full of commitments for a lot of people. And, autumn is still the best time. I'm against changing it.
Saturday = NO! That would interfere with College Football. Simply not going to happen.
Sunday = NO! Interferes with Church & Pro Football. Again, simply not going to happen.
Wed, Thurs & Fri, just simply odd days for such an event.
Monday "COULD" work however. If a National Holiday was declared, but there is still an issue. If it were changed to Monday & a holiday declared, American's would use it for an extended weekend & not bother to vote at all.
Therefore, the only possible day is Tuesday in the USA!
Our constitution states that all states agree to ONE day to vote, this isnt about voter suppression, convenience or anything else. There is a reason our fore fathers decided that… perhaps its because of voter fraud way back in the day, after having so many banana republics, monarchs and tyranists, after issues with the Florida Vote by Gore, back in the day, and last years debacle… that is precisely why they chose only one day a year… to keep people honest, and to keep them mindful. Americans have become lazy and disinterested in politics up until the last few elections. Our culture is taken for granted and people are finally starting to realize how wonderful our freedoms truly are
I actually know more people who work on weekends then work Monday through Friday. Health care, police ,firemen, store clerks, restaurant waitstaff...
I always understood that Saturday was the day you "went to town." I've certainly come across that in just about everything I've read about the horse-and-buggy era.
With the amount of Voter Suppression in this Nation, including Saturday as a day of voting would be an improvement.
Actually, at least by the 1840's or so (which happens to be my era of expertise), most people went into "town" to shop on Saturdays. Year in, year out. So Saturday would have been a logical day for elections to occur. (There weren't a lot of Jews around, and by then Reform was taking hold, so even they could have voted then had they wanted to.)
Here in Colorado we have mail in ballots which can be dropped off at various drop boxes throughout the cities or towns if you don’t want to spend the .62 cents to mail it in. We can also early vote. Mail in is great because you can vote in the comfort of your own home. So In essence you can vote any day of the week. It is especially good for the elderly and disabled. I think all states should go to mail in ballots.