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Moved into a new house last year with great garden beds. I planted vegetables and they got fried from too much direct sun. I knew about hoop covers but only thought of them for frost protection. They will be going up next year.
I am also looking for ways to deter weeds and get rid of Asian Lillies that are everywhere. I dug out 50 clusters and 4 weeks later new plants were popping up.
Are you referring to the Asiatic dayflower? This is a non-native weed and invasive species. It’s a challenge and the only thing you can really do is handful or weed continually. You can also use a string trimmer and cut it to the base. Don’t let it produce flowers. The flowers quickly produce seeds. Learn more.
Can row covers be used on broccoli and cauliflower? Do they need pollination?
Thank you.
We always cover our cole crops to keep them safe from the cabbage moth. They do not need pollinating so the covers can stay on all season. We found that even a thin layer of reemay kept the plants too hot, making the broccoli bolt. We switched to covering them with screen cloth so there is more air flow and even a little bit of shade which the plants seem to like during the heat of summer.
I seem to live in the pest belt here in Canada. The onion maggots get my onions and garlic early the aphids move in and devour the lettuce and leafy crops, I have cabbage moth, potato beetles and slugs. Anyway you get my point. I started covering my garden 2 years ago. What a difference it makes. I can finally dream of being organic. A visit to the discount store and you can get some fairly inexpensive sheer curtains. They work a treat, providing a bit of shade for new plants while still letting in rain. I notice too the soil under stays moist much longer. We are on the second year and the sheers are standing up to the elements. I have run them through the washer too.
Will they work against aphids? Aphids have destroyed my lettuce and chives and seem to be everywhere. I don't even want to eat salad anymore, they are so gross.
I had same problem in a free standing raised bed will try. But ants carry aphid eggs around to new plants because ants feed off the aphids residue. So i move the raised bed around. Lasts about 2 weeks before they find it again
I have to invest in row covers. Squash vine borers are eating everyyyythinnnnnngggg.......
Row covers are just the thing, since they're a multi-purpose item.