Wild Blueberry Smoothie

Photo Credit
Anna Shepulova/shutterstock
The Editors
Makes 2 servings.
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A super-simple smoothie that is sure to satisfy—especially in early summer, when blueberries are at their freshest!

6 ounces small wild blueberries
6 ounces yogurt (vanilla or blueberry)
1 tablespoon honey
3 or 4 ice cubes
sprig of mint (optional)
chia seeds (optional)

Pick over berries, removing any stems or leaves. Frozen berries can be used, if fresh are not available, but be sure to use the small ones, not the tougher-skinned, cultivated berries. Blend berries, yogurt, honey, and ice at high speed. Serve immediately. Garnish with mint and chia seeds, if desired, or by dropping a berry or two on top.

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The Old Farmer's Almanac Editors

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