Strawberry Lemonade

strawberry lemonade sweaty glass and the glass jar on the background of painted boards
The Editors
3 servings
Preparation Method
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Our Strawberry Lemonade drink tastes like a summer vacation. It requires only four ingredients and is loaded with fresh, ripe strawberries and zesty tart lemon. Make a pitcher for the refrigerator to have a refreshing treat on hand!

Quick Tip: To nearly double the amount of juice collected from a lemon, submerge it in hot water for 15 minutes before squeezing. Or, microwave the uncut fruit on high for 20 seconds, then roll it on the counter under the palm of your hand. Cut it in half and press it on a handheld wooden lemon reamer or a glass juicer.

1 cup strawberries, hulled and sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup fresh lemon juice
1-1/4 to 1-1/2 cups cold sparkling water
  1. Put strawberries into a blender and blend until smooth. 
  2. In a bowl, combine sugar and lemon juice and stir to blend.
  3. Add lemon juice mixture and sparkling water to puréed berries. Stir or process for a few seconds to blend. Just before serving, add ice.
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The Old Farmer's Almanac Editors

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