Got Allergies? Plants to Avoid and Plants to Grow Instead
The pictures of the flowers are just beautiful - I just wish that they are/were identified with their names.
Your articles are great, with a lot of wonderful information. Thank you!
I find bearded irises the absolute worst for my allergies. As long as they are in a bed far away from the house it's okay. A neighbor cut some for us and I nearly passed out in the first few minutes. Out they went!!!
This may be an odd question. I have a severe nickel allergy, I break out if I even eat foods containing nickel. Lets take tomatoes as an example. My understanding is that they would get their nickel content from the soil. Is there any way to rid my soil of nickel content and if so would tomatoes still grow ok?
Horace, I have the exact same allergy. It has been so bad that I pretty much lived in hospitals for the last 3 years before I found out what I have. The only way to lower the nickel content is to plant hydroponically. Also research aquaponics... same thing but even better because its done through fish. Hope this helps!
Sorry it took me so long to answer you but this is a serious subject that I know little about. A heavy metal or micronutrient soil test can let you know how much nickel is in your soil. Different areas of the country have higher levels of this substance than others. I have found nothing about how it could be removed from the soil. It is usually recommended that you bring in new soil that is uncontaminated. Root vegetables and leafy greens are reported to draw up the highest concentrations of heavy metals like nickel or lead so tomatoes might not be as harmful to your system. That said, it is also recommended that people with severe nickel allergies try not to eat acidic foods and tomatoes are acidic. I hope this helps a little. I wish you luck with your quest.