Photo Credit
Sam Jones/Quinn Brein
The Editors
12 to 18 servings
Special Considerations
Recipe prepared by Victoria Shearer
2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup seedless raisins
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup evaporated skim milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg, slightly beaten
Grated rind and juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tablespoons chopped pecans
1/2 9-ounce package miniature marshmallows
2 tablespoons shredded coconut
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I respectfully respond to Rev. Mato and 'Janet'........Geez Kids!!! Lighten Up a Little!!!
I agree with Rev. Nagi Mato 100%. May I add - and delicious. Also, what's a sweet potato without some cinnamon?
First of all, I can do without the marshmallows (I never liked them), also, evap skim milk? Secondly, microwave? Really?? This, I'm afraid, would never make it in my house. I will be happy to make a healthy version that will delight the family.
But, thanks, anyway.
Then how did you make the healthy version and dìd it delight the family ?
Looking forward to read it ...